Bangkok, Ayuthaya, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son
Thailand is the Disneyland of Asia. Tourists only see what the government of Thailand wants them to see. Outside the tourist areas is a completely different world. The backpackers here are a bit 'alternative' or hippie like. (didn't see that coming). Really don't like Bangkok traffic (and I thought Sydney was bad!), but really miss the hot weather and the food (don't know what's wrong with the Pad Thai here, the soy sauce here taste like vinegar). Didn't have any plans when I flew in, but saw everything (spending the most time in the north) in three weeks. Sometimes wished I'd skipped the country completely, but it was a really good introduction to Asia for what was coming. When first I flew in here, I thought everyone was really poor but on the way back coming from Cambodia, it was obvious the people here are REALLY rich (for an undeveloped country in this part of Asia). It was hard to get used to there being no lines. Whoever can weasel their way up to the front, gets service first.
One night with a dorm bed costs about 50 cents (share a bathroom). Deet is necessary for bug control. The first night I got offered a hit of some illegal drug (Welcome to Thailand!!!) Paying a dollar for a meal is expensive. Spent more on food than accommodation.......which made it seem I was eating all the time. Sorry mom and dad really liked the weather here, but don't think I would like to live here even if it is cheaper than living anywhere else. Even if the boys say 'Hi beautiful' every time you ride by (foreigner = money), I'd rather be home. Oh, yeah Kent, you couldn't get your 'white stuff' in Bangkok.. Know that was the only souvenir you wanted, but airport security said tough luck. So sad.
Northern Thailand (Mae Hong Son)